作者: 大数据与互联网学院 日期: 2023/05/10报告标题:Statistical inference for mean-field queueing models
报告人:赵以强 (Yiqiang Q. Zhao) 教授(Carleton University)
报告时间:2023 年 5 月 10 日 15:40–16:40
邀 请 人:高武军
Last year, in 2022, to celebrate the publication of the 100th volume, Queueing Systems published a special issue containing 100 Views on Queues. I presented my suggestions of research in the area of statistical inference for mean-fifiled queueing models. The idea of mean-fifield approximations originated from works by Curie (1895) and Weiss (1907) in the area of statistical physics. Since then, it has been developed into a very important approximation tool for describing a large number of interacting particles systems (IPS) for many important applications in various fifields, including queueing theory.
Applications of mean-fifield approximations to queueing systems go back to Dobrushin and Sukhov (1976). Research on statistical inference for mean-fifield models started only in recent years due to diffificulties as stated in Della Maestra and Hoffmann (2021): (1) the required fifine probabilistic tools were still in full development; and (2) the motivation for statistical inference is not obvious. So far, most of statistical inference studies on mean-fifield models are for continuous state systems, and the study on discrete-state queueing models has not yet started. In this talk, we demonstrate by two queueing models how to do statistical inference for queueing models.
赵以强 (Yiqiang Q. Zhao) 博士是加拿大卡尔顿大学理学院副院长(主管研究生工作)、卡尔顿-渥太华-魁北克大学统计概率研究室联合主任,终身教授。他82年毕业于南京气象学院,90 年获加拿大萨斯卡彻温大学博士学位,90-92 年在皇后大学加拿大通讯研究所从事博士后研究,92-2000 年任教于威尼伯大学,2000 年至今在卡尔顿大学数学与统计学院任教授。赵以强博士曾担任:卡尔顿大学数学统计学院院长、理学院副院长(主管科研及研究生工作),渥太华-卡尔顿数学统计研究院主任,加拿大统计学会概率分会会长,加拿大运筹学会温尼伯分会会长,(国际著名)菲尔兹数学科学研究所董事会成员,英国剑桥大学牛顿学院访问教授。赵教授主要从事应用概率和随机运筹邻域的研究,在国际一流权威期刊上发表了大量高水平的学术论文,其研究成果被国际同行广泛引用 (谷歌引用 3000 多次),并得到高度评价,在应用概率,尤其是排队论及相关领域做出了重要的贡献。赵以强教授连续 30年主持多项国家重要科研项目,现担任五种国际主流权威期刊的副主编,包括OR Letters、Queueing Systems、Stochastic Models。已培养150多名硕士,博士生及博士后。